
Before We Get Started, A Note on Services

During your evaluation, we will formulate a plan specifically tailored to you. The art of beauty should focus on results rather than on individual treatments.

Morpheus8PlasmaPen™Hyperdilute RADIESSE®Smooth PDO ThreadsAgnes Precision RF
Woman getting a treatment on her face


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Morpheus8?

If you’re reading this, chances are you have already heard of Morpheus8 by Inmode. Morpheus8 is a skin-tightening procedure that uses radiofrequency (RF) microneedling. It is very different than traditional microneedling because once the needles are in the skin an RF current is sent from one needle to the next to transform and contour the face via subdermal adipose remodeling. It targets the deeper layers of the skin to generate remarkable collagen production and skin tightening and smoothing. It is safe, FDA-approved and extremely effective.

What can I expect?

You will be numbed up for 45 minutes prior to the procedure. Most clients do well with topical numbing, alone, but we also offer nerve blocks for clients who would be better served by this option. Either way, you will be comfy (the beauty of being trained as an anesthesiologist)! The day of treatment, you will be pink, but the next day you may wear a mineral makeup to cover any residual pinkness. You will need to protect yourself from the sun for at least two weeks (but you should already be doing this!).

When will I see results?

Most clients notice improvement in skin tone and texture within a few days, but the best results will occur approximately three months following the last treatment. It is recommended to have three treatments spaced roughly one month apart.

How long do the results last?

Again, since we are creating collagen, the results are essentially permanent, but you may desire a yearly maintenance treatment to “keep the tank full”.

In what body areas can I get it?

Face, neck, décolleté. It may cause decreased hair growth, so we cannot RF microneedle over areas men desire to maintain facial hair.

Woman getting plasma pen injection in her cheek

PlasmaPen™ (aka skin tightening, fibroblasting)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is PlasmaPen™?

PlasmaPen™ is also known as fibroblasting. Fibroblasts are the lovely cells in the body that create collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid (yay!). The PlasmaPen™ ionizes gas in the atmosphere to create an arc of plasma which, when it comes into contact with the skin causes contraction and tightening and also stimulates the fibroblasts to do their thing.

What can I expect?

Your skin will be numbed with a topical numbing agent. The PlasmaPen™ device is brought within one millimeter of the skin, but does not actually touch it. The plasma arc touches the skin and creates a "dot" of microtrauma that stimulates the skin cells. There is usually no bleeding and no open wound. You will have swelling for a couple days and the carbon crust "dots" for a few days longer. Once the carbon crusts fall off, you will need to be extremely vigilant to protect your new, baby skin from sun exposure. The treatment price also includes an AnteAGE stem cell aftercare kit to aid in recovery.

When will I see results?

You may see some tightening immediately, but the primary results will be realized in three months when the new collagen and elastin are created. Often just one treatment will yield the desired results, but occasionally a second treatment will be desired.

How long do the results last?

Since we are stimulating your body's own collagen and elastin, the results are permanent! That being said, you will continue to age and new lines and skin laxity will form over time.

In what body areas can I get it?

Anywhere! Some of the more popular areas are the eyes (aka non-surgical blepharoplasty or eye lift), neck (non-surgical neck lift or neck tightening), jowls/lower face and loose skin on knees and elbows. Just use your imagination!

Woman getting an injection in her neck

Hyperdilute RADIESSE® (aka biostimulatory filler)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is hyperdilute RADIESSE®?

Hyperdilute RADIESSE® is created by mixing RADIESSE® with saline to create a thinner consistency. This allows us to use RADIESSE® for its biostimulatory properties rather than for its volumizing properties. The suspension of dilute RADIESSE® can then be injected in a larger area to create skin tightening and/or subtle volume (depending on dilution ratio and the area we choose to inject).

What can I expect?

There is minimal discomfort during the actual procedure. You will have some slight swelling immediately following which will resolve over the first few days as it is primarily a result of the saline.

When will I see results?

The skin-tightening results will be most visible 3-4 months following injection. You may desire a few sessions spaced a few months apart.

How long do the results last?

We are generating collagen and elastin, so the results will last 12-18 months and often even longer.

In what body areas can I get it?

The neck is the most common area, but it can be used in hip dips, face and hands, as well!

Woman receiving PDO Threads treatment

Smooth PDO Threads (aka skin-boosting threads)

Frequently Asked Questions

What are smooth PDO threads?

PDO stands for polydioxanone. A PDO thread is a type of surgical suture, which has been around for over 50 years. It was discovered that when inserted into human tissue, PDO causes collagen and elastin production. It also leads to increased skin regeneration, tissue adhesion and the breakdown of cellulite. As such, these threads can be used to plump and tighten skin. Smooth PDO threads are small and fine (similar to a strand of hair) and range in length from 1mm to 2.5 inches.

What can I expect?

You will have some topical numbing cream placed on the treatment area for 15-30 minutes. The procedure itself only takes about 10-15 minutes. You may have a small amount of localized swelling and redness for a day or two, but this is fairly minimal and should not interfere with social activities. You will generally require three to four (3-4) treatments to achieve optimal results.

When will I see results?

You can expect to see results after a few months and a few treatments.

How long do the results last?

After a few treatments, as your body absorbs the thread and replaces it with collagen and elastin, you can anticipate results that can last 12-18 months and often even longer. (As with anything, as we age, we will likely need to combat gravity with some maintenance treatments.)

In what body areas can I get it?

Again, where CAN’T you get it? They can be used to help define the borders of the lips, to smooth fine lines, to tighten loose skin, to un-crepe crepe-y skin, and to improve the appearance of depressed scars and dimpled skin amongst many other things.

Woman getting Agnes Precision RF Treatment

Agnes Precision RF

Frequently Asked Questions

What is it?

Precision radiofrequency (RF) tightens skin and targets fat in small, trouble areas. For many clients it is the logical next step following Morpheus8. While Morpheus8 tightens, smooths and improves overall skin laxity and texture, Agnes zeros in on the small, stubborn, saggy areas of the face and neck. Agnes was originally developed to treat acne (which it is great at!), but they soon learned it is also amazing at generating collagen and melting fat.

What can I expect?

You will wear a numbing cream for 45 minutes. Following this, we then inject additional numbing solution for optimal comfort. A small needle is inserted into the skin and a quick RF current is generated. Most clients are quite comfortable for the procedure, which, depending on the area, usually takes about 20-30 minutes. You will be slightly swollen (but it often actually looks kinda nice) and perhaps slightly bruised when you leave. All things considered, downtime is minimal.

When will I see results?

Some people will see results almost immediately, as the fat is melted during the treatment! Collagen generation speed is slightly different for everyone, but peak results should be about three to six months after your last session. We usually recommend about two treatments, depending upon the area.

How long do the results last?

Results are permanent! Like anything, you will probably want to do some periodic maintenance.

In what body areas can I get it?

Any small area you need skin tightened, fat melted, or both. Think: upper and lower eyelids, smile lines, jowls, double-chin, turkey neck and buccal fat (Hello, Bella Hadid!).

Harvard Medical School
Phone: 830.488.7389

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